In everyday life human get more and more affected by climate change. This can be see around the world with rising natural disasters to water scarcity. If you think we have it bad this can be ten times worse for Hector’s Dolphin. The effects that human produce directly causing consequences to the ecosystem. Environmentally Hector’s Dolphins are affected by the earth's rising temperatures and water levels. Climate change is also a factor in why Hector’s Dolphins are confused and moving closer to fisheries in the coast mainly (Reeves,2013).
Fish-y Goodbye
Shore, Climate's
A Problem!
Hector's Dolphin jumping out of the water
Courtesy of Arkive
“There's one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate."
- Barack Obama
Hector's Dolphin used to roam freely as they search for food but because of climate change, it seems as though their food sources are disappearing. This has led them to follow fishing boats and stay near fisheries who aggressively find their fish. This is causing them to get caught by nets and even wounded by the propeller(Reeves, 2013). When they are closer to fisheries there are more among young dolphins who are just beginning their lives. Hector’s dolphins aren't able to find their parents when they begin to migrate. This can become a big issue because once again the dolphins follow activity (boats) and get harmed. This means that at this rate there will be soon extinct and nobody can visit the majestic animal in their habitat.
Hide and Go Seek Migrations
Hector's Dolphins hanging out together
Courtesy of Arkive